Saturday, August 31, 2019

Edition Chapter

School of Economics Summary The case lists out the dilemma that Western Retail outlets (such as Wall-Mart, Careful and others) face as they enter Asian markets. The case builds on the notion that these retail outlets are not able to build on the premise of cultural differences and hence they cannot adapt themselves to the demographics of the local markets.The paper puts forth the framework which emphasizes of the Importance of adapting to the needs of Aslant consumers on part of these large retailers. The paper Is a culmination of work done on large retailers over a span of six years. The researcher has deviated from the traditional methods of data collection and has traveled wide and far for data collection, this has allowed the paper to develop a wider frame of reference and have a cross-sectional analysis across countries.The approach to the paper is ethnographic and real-life scenarios have been issued to elicit the happenings in daily life. From the researcher's point of view, t he customer's obvious needs are kept in accordance with their unspoken needs and wants. The method used results in a more In depth understanding of culture and the resulting buying processes which are otherwise not comprehensible. The paper elects the hypermarket structure being followed In Asia and sets out by explaining the structures of stores such as ART-Marti Tests and Careful which have.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Negotiation Planning

Price to recoup development costs and maintain competitive advantage Issues What should be on the table? What will the discussion focus on? Look for commonality and tradeoff The new technology Preventing the sale of technology to direct competition Net Profits Recoup the development costs Audio shouldn't sell the technology to external customers – Reducing profitability to the company Sharing Internal sales profit Terms What sort of stipulations may apply?Audio should not produce products using Z-25 technology Supply Z-25 magnets for free Magnetic Advances should be given first preference in any further technology advancements in magnets Avoid selling it to competition Goals specific/measurable/]sustainable; target/range you are shooting for; make best guess for the other side; rank them YOU: OTHER PARTY: 1. I am shooting for 61 mm in profits (the minimum I could go is 47-TAP and the maximum I could go is 140-TAP.TAP at minimum would be 32 mm. Taking the average of the above t wo would give me an estimate of 61. 5 mm as target) 1 . 80 mm as TAP ( If the deal succeeds, Mad's maximum profits would be 140 – 32 = 108, and minimum refits would be 20 – 32 mm = -12, so taking average of 108 and -12 and adding them to our opportunity cost ( 12 mm (development costs)+20 mm Internal sales)) 2. Audio should not produce products for Internal dollops 2.So they will be embarrassed to take up the issue with top management Through internal sale of Z-25 products we can get 20 mm in profits Z-25 has enormous commercial possibilities The technology two years lifetime and it cost 12 mm There is 15% and 10% profitability on external and internal sales respectively Negotiation Strategy How do you plan to approach the negotiation? What will you share/keep private? Keep private the net profits Keep private other potential offers I plan to approach by showing them the losses of no selling the product. They could potentially gain 8 mm (20 mm from internal sales †“ 12 mm deep costs) if they didn't go through the deal. So I would say that they will lose more if they don't do the deal because at minimum I am offering them 20 mm + 12 mm = 32 mm. I think even the other party would show losses supporting his argument.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Crucible essay Essay

The Crucible takes place in Salem Massachusetts during 1692. It takes place during the tragic time of the so called Salem witch hunts when many innocent people were accused of being a witch or dealing with the devil. As a result of these convictions many people confessed to save their lives, others who would not confess to a lie were hung or executed by other methods such as being pressed. The play the Crucible was wrote by Arthur Miller during the â€Å"Red Scare†, which was almost parallel with the Salem witch hunts in that many innocent people were accused of actions of communism and espionage that they did not take part in. The Crucible is not so much about a witch hunt as it is an illumination of human weakness, hypocrisy, and vindictiveness. In the Crucible there is quite a bit of human weakness. This can easily be seen through all of the people in the story who admitted to being a witch or dealing with the devil instead of being strong and denying the fact that were not a witch and be put to death. When this all begins, Abigail, the reverends own niece, blames Tituba, the reverends slave from Barbados of being a witch. When she is accused on page 847 she first denies it, â€Å"I don’t compact with no devil,† later on after Mr. Putnam says â€Å"this woman must be hanged†, Tituba gives into her natural human weakness and cries out â€Å"†¦ I tell him I don’t desire to work for him(the devil) sir.† That is just one of the many cases where human weakness is illuminated in the play, it is also the most common, many people gave in to the pressure so they wouldn’t be hung. Another way human weakness was illuminated in the Crucible is that John Proctor will not admit his affair with Abigail because he is afraid he will lose his farm and ruin his name. Mary Warren also gives into human weakness when John Proctor asks her to go to the court and tell that the girls are all faking there so called sickness caused by the accused witches. When she tries to tell Judge Danforth Abigail interferes and Mary pretends to go crazy again. Amongst all the human weakness there was a lot of hypocrisy mostly amongst the people who seemed strong and pure. The Crucible may take place during the Salem witch trials of 1692, however the illumination of weakness, hypocrisy, and vindictiveness are what the  play is actually about. Just like what was going on during the Red Scare during Arthur Miller’s time.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Racism in Criminal justice system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Racism in Criminal justice system - Essay Example It is something that occurs more than we notice. Many scholars believe that racism play a more important role in targeting and sentencing process in the criminal justice system and this is something which should not happen in any country no matter what. Racism plays an essential role before the criminal reaches the day of sentencing in the court. There are various publications that speak on profiling and actuarial methods which unwillingly get people into the system. Though these are two major components of the discriminatory acts that exist within the criminal justice system, it does not actually begin with these institutionalized methods. It is the laws and crime control policies that create discrimination in the system. It has been witnessed that in some instances these laws and policies are set in favor of the white people and in opposition to the black ones. The involvement of government is also essential in such situations. It is their responsibility to finish racism with the c riminal justice system so that each and every citizen could live a peaceful life. Government should also make sure that every citizen gets equal rights. In this paper, a detailed discussion has been done on the racial disparities in criminal justice system along with its adverse effects to the community. ... This shows that racism does exist. According to you what should have been done in that situation? One possibility was to arrange a meeting between the police chief and other senior members to discuss about how the newcomers to the community were affecting law enforcement. It is better to make an attempt to explain the laws to the newcomers so that such incidents could be avoided in the future. The American citizens should put in efforts to communicate and work out with the police to help the newcomers so that they could be given proper education regarding the rules and regulations. This attempt could certainly produce a positive change at the institutional level. It is quite true that we can never be entirely free of racial prejudice. Therefore we should have the ability to identify and address racism because it results the unearned privileges of some and imposes unfair limitations on others. The economic stability of a group of people is closely linked with racism and unless it is s tudied thoroughly, a community building effort will not reach its full potential. Racial prejudice and racism have been commonly practiced in the U.S. by the people with European background against various other groups, such as African-Americans or Latinos (Silas, 10). However, racial prejudice and racism also lead to tensions between people of non-European descent, for example the tensions between African Americans and Asian Americans. As the U.S. becomes more diverse and the people all over the globe more educated, we must make certain efforts to reduce hostility which creates differences in our physical traits and other aspects. No matter what culture you belong, it is quite obvious that

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Business report of British electricity distributor industry Term Paper

A Business report of British electricity distributor industry - Term Paper Example Other than enabling consumers to access electricity, electricity distribution industry also creates employment, enhances investment and promotes economic growth. This report examines the structure of electricity consumption industry, including the firms that make up the industry and their market share. It also explains the reason for the chosen structure. Furthermore, this report analyses the contribution of the electricity distribution industry to the economy. It also provides a critical analysis of sustainability targets on business plan for the industry as well as the factors that contribute competitive advantage for the electricity distribution industry in UK. The market structure of UK electricity distribution industry is an oligopoly. An oligopoly is a market structure which involves the domination of a few firms in an industry, although smaller firms with small market shares may exist in the market. In this case, a few firms may be concentrated. The UK electricity distribution industry consists of six large electricity distributors with a total of 90% market share. The remaining market share is held by smaller networks owned and operated by Independent Network Operators (IDNOs) which operate within the areas covered by the larger firms. The market shares of major British electricity Distribution Networks (DNOs) is divided by regions, as shown in appendix one. Each serves specific region. The six distributors by region include: UK Power Networks, Western Power Distribution, SSE Power Distribution, SP Energy Networks, Northern Powergrid, and Electricity Northwest. In a competition newsletter of 2014, UK Power Networks (UKPN) analysed the market share of its distributors in its designed regions. The newsletter categorised the market share into three: Eastern Power Networks plc (EPN), London Power Networks plc (LPN) and South Eastern Power Networks plc (SPN). The market shares for the three distributors are

Multiple Regression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multiple Regression - Essay Example We use a State-wide data set that includes a record of property crimes rates (CRIMES) as well as a record on per capita income (PINCOME), school dropout rates (DROPOUT), precipitation amounts (PRECIP), percentage of public aid recipients (PUBAID), population density (DENSITY), public aid for families with kids in terms of dollars received (KIDS), percentage of unemployed workers (UNEMPLOY), percentage of population living in urban areas. The methodology that we use is that of multiple regression analysis to obtain the magnitude and signs of the coefficients and t and F-tests obtain whether the respective coefficients are significant, individually, or jointly. The regression equation we estimate is the following: (1) Results In this section we present the results of the analysis. Table 1 presents the results of the estimation of equation (1). Table 1: Results of simple OLS regression, all variables included Before interpreting the coefficients we look at the individual and joint signi ficances of the estimated coefficients. From the upper right hand panel we find that F(8, 41) = 11.43 and prob>F =0.000. Recall that the null hypothesis of the f-test is that all coefficients are jointly zero. From the computed statistic and the associated p-value we reject the null hypothesis. Thus, at least one of the parameters is non-zero. Now, from the lower panel in table 1 looking at the 3rd column (t-values) and the 4th column (p values) we can identify which coefficients are significantly different from zero. The null hypothesis of the t-test is that the coefficient in question is equal to zero while the alternative hypothesis is that it is non-zero. Recall that the 5% critical value for the two-sided t-test is 1.96. Looking at the elements from column 3 and 4, we find that only the variables DROPOUT, DENSITY and and URBAN are associated with coefficients that are statistically significantly different from zero. We fail to find evidence in the data that suggests that the nu ll hypothesis is false for the rest of the coefficients as well as the intercept. The upper right hand corner also presents the R-squared and the adjusted R-squared values which show that the fit is decent (anything greater than 50% on these scales is considered decent). In table 2 below, we take a look at whether our results may have been affected by the presence of multi-collnearity. The t-tests of significance showed that there were two significant coefficients and this was further confirmed by the f-test. If multicollinearity is present to any worrisome degree, typically, although the f-test rejects the null, we fail to identify any statistically significant coefficients in the t-test. Thus, there is little evidence of multi-collinearity. Additionally, we also look at the VIFs in table 2 below. Observe that the mean VIF is only 2.46 and the VIF for PINCOME is a bit large (although significantly smaller than 10, the standard indicator of severe and worrisome multicollinearity). T able 2: Testing for presence of multi-colinearity, VIFs Now, we rerun the regression incorporating only the significant variables in the specification. The model is specified as follows: The results of this regression are presented in table 3. Table 3: Results of OLS estimation including only the significant variables Observe first from the table above that the signs and the significances of the included variables remain the same. That is

Monday, August 26, 2019

How The Hurricane (Sandy) Affected The Economy Of The USA Essay

How The Hurricane (Sandy) Affected The Economy Of The USA - Essay Example An estimation placed by IHS Global Insight reflected a total loss of $30billion to $50billion that also includes the infrastructure losses of around $20billion. However, according to the studies of economists, the overall effect on the economy of the country has been minimal. This is primarily because some of these losses would be covered by insurers, while others would be covered through efforts of rebuilding and recoveries. The process of rebuilding has already begun. Hence, very big and negative consequences of the economy are not expected on the country’s state of economy. Also, the federal budget deficit of the country is not going to be mush affected as a result of Sandy. Based on comments made by senior economists of IHS, it can be said that the power struggle in politics of the country â€Å"over the cost of government aid is unlikely, considering that many politicians have dialed back their campaigns in the storms wake† (Kavoussi, 2012). However the employment of the country may be affected leading to â€Å"0.5 percent cut out of real gross domestic product (GDP) in the last three months of the year† (Kavoussi, 2012). According to the recent reports of JPMorgan, although there have been and may be initial effects of the storm on the economic activities of the country, the long term effects can be nullified with the rebuilding and recovery measures that have already initiated. In the present times, the frequency data and seasonal adjustments may be badly affected and hence kept off for some period of time. However, the impact would be minor with the passage of time. Impacts are more reflected on housing, construction and retail sales sector, where the storm has led to declines in performances and outcomes, but from the data and predictions, the country would be able to follow its normal economic activities and course lines that would have been in place if the storm had not occurred (Gauging Hurricane Sandys impact on the US economy,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The International Aviation Policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The International Aviation Policy - Term Paper Example Air transportation is one of the leading industries across the globe and it also wields significant influences on the larger social, political, and economic mechanisms. For instance, air transport can positively contribute to a region’s economic growth, but there has to be an underlying demand. This essay is divided into two parts. Part one discusses the social, political, economic, geographical, infrastructure, and demographic influences on air transportation. Part two addresses the impact of air transportation liberalization on market, traffic patterns, and fares; carrier’s financial performance; and future prospects of carriers based in a global environment. Part I: International Regulatory and Oversight The absence of air transport, just like with any other operations in the economy, can confound economic progress. Where there have been more or less complete stiffening of regulations that interfere with or oppose the liberalization of markets, have been ‘socia l regulation’ (Wald, Fay, & Gleich, 2010). This involves issues like labor and consumer security, defense, safety, and environment. These are domains that have been usually addressed at the global arena by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) together with a number of unusual international agreements like the Warsaw Convention (MacKenzie, 2010). Of late, national or regional programs have also acquired global importance such as the US’s launching of more rigid security strategies (e.g. passenger information requirements), and the expansion of carbon trading inside the European Union (EU) to include all air transport. International air transport is currently a leading partner of globalization and is persistently redesigning itself to deal with the pressures of the social and economic integration that the process of globalization brings about. In economic terms, globalization takes place to foster a deepened division of labor and helps economies take adva ntage of their comparative advantage more fully (Wensveen, 2011). Possibly, though, more essentially, globalization promotes workforce and technology transfers and facilitates the energy that goes with entrepreneurial ventures to encourage the growth of new technologies and mechanisms that boost international interests. Another group of factors to be taken into account in evaluating international aviation policy are political and economic settings. The five basic known catalysts of stable international air transport are trade expansion, developments in the quality of service, cost adjustments, political disorder, and GDP rate. Political disorder would involve terrorist activities and protectionism. Although protectionism weakens trade expansion it seems as well to reduce foreign direct investment (FDI) (Wensveen, 2011). These restrictions weaken trade and boost capital costs eventually. Political disorder also boosts costs through regulation and defense. Such costs put service provi ders and shippers into a more disadvantaged position and reduce air travel. Changes in costs, specifically the costs of fuel, are a continuing hazard; increases in the costs of actual fuel before was zero (Wald et al., 2010). In the coming years this will cease to be the case as actual fuel costs will escalate. This kind of changes severely affects international aviation policy. The third group of factors is geographical, infrastructural, and demographical. Geography affects international aviation policy because cargo airlines choose to carry out their operations from airport near to their target markets. Some researchers studied

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Public health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 19

Public health - Essay Example organizations will improve considering the technological advancement, and if there the implementation of pay for performances and non-payment of â€Å"never’ events stipulations, which I suppose can greatly enhance and encourage high quality among the health care institutions. However, all these improvements, I believe will only be possible with the collaboration of healthcare institutions and all the stakeholders involved. Decreasing risk factors that are associated with contracting diseases and health choices among patients and the populations is very important. This is because some people are very ignorant of their health and thus in this case will be safe from contracting most of the diseases. In addition, this will be beneficial as majority of the families struggle to make ends meet and may not be in a position to seek proper medical attention. Thus, these initiatives of decreasing risk factors and increasing health choices would ensure or guarantee them safety from contracting diseases. Finally, considering that the responsible entities respond too late in cases of protection from diseases, these programs would be of great value in prevention of diseases among patients and general

Friday, August 23, 2019

Media of age group Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Media of age group - Research Paper Example Social media is now more suitable for advertising for age group of 18-24, because young adults spend their time on surfing internet. The site also make easy to promote ads as compare to newspaper through Twitter and Facebook. In future, it can be easy yet powerful way for an organizational to produce and dispense a social newsletter on the fly. Now a day’s journalism is taking a beating during this downswing. Interwoven throughout our daily lives, media intimate their messages into our consciousness at every turn. The power of pro social programming can be so strong, Livingstone ads, that even fierce content when portrayed realistically and in the context of outcomes, it can be beneficial. Websites and Email are far and away should be the highest-priority marketing tactics for small businesses. By a survey younger age group, 92% said websites and social media are among their most important tools, with 85% also putting media in that

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Information Describe Essay Example for Free

Information Describe Essay Describe the document you will create using your ICT skills. It is really important to make the purpose of your document clear, and describe where/when it will be used and who will be your audience. Research / Background Information Describe the steps that you took to collect information from both IT and non-IT sources for your document. Remember to say why the information that you have collected is relevant to your project (Is it fit for its purpose, suitable for your intended audience? ) What have you learnt from your research? Were you able to draw any conclusions of your own? Did your research help you to design your own original work? Design Outline Design your document. Save this design. This can be done by hand or on the computer. You can add notes (annotate) to your design, explaining things such as At this stage you can finalise your design and make your document. Try out at least two different arrangements of the text, images and numbers. Save these drafts. Choose the layout you prefer giving reasons for your choice. Checking Once you are satisfied that you have checked your document, give it to someone else to proof read. Keep this draft; make a note on it of anything that needs to be corrected. Read Also:  Descriptive Essay Topics Evaluation Explain how you would have created your document manually. Explain the difference that using ICT to create your document made. Does your document suit its purpose? What improvements could you make if you had more time or different resources available? Problem solving Explain how you overcame any difficulties you had creating your document. Did you use any online help features in the software you used? If so explain what you learnt from this. Safety Explain how you kept the risk of viruses to a minimum and how you made sure that the work was done in safe conditions. Was there a need for confidentiality in this document? What steps if any did you take to observe confidentiality? Appendices Include   Source documents you used to create your document (pictures you scanned in, notes, pricelists etc)   Any documents you used to collect information e. g. If you are doing a survey to collect information include a sample of your questionnaire and a summary of your results.   Your initial design Your drafts   A screenshot of a search proving that you searched for information using multiple criteria and finally. Put you final document on the front of your project documentation; attach a coversheet and hand in to meet the deadline

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Decision Making Process Essay Example for Free

The Decision Making Process Essay Abstract As a senior, the decision on whether or not you want to go to college comes out being the hardest decision some students make. I have made the decision that I want to go to college. Going to college will get me where I want to be. Not only that, but it will further my education. The decision that I need to make is whether or not I want to play volleyball in college or not. Colleges have given me several opportunities to do this. However, it just comes down to me making the decision. Not only just a decision, but the right decision. This decision will have an affect on several different things throughout the rest of your pathway. This is why it is important to make the right decision. Introduction When you make your decision this way, you think it out before you make your final decision. Two ways to make a decision include rational and emotional. When you make a rational decision, you think it through and when you make an emotional decision, you just up and decide without thinking it through. Seven steps will lead to a smart and successful decision. First, you must define your problem. Next you will gather information, which becomes an important step. Third, you will identify your choices. Fourth, identify advantages and disadvantages of each choice. This will also be a big part of your decision-making. Fifth, you will finally make a decision. The sixth step, making a plan to get there. Last but not lease, you will evaluate your decision. Define Your Problem I have made the choice that I want to attend college after I graduate from high school. The problem that I have comes down to whether or not I want to play volleyball in college or not. I have loved playing volleyball ever since I started when I was little. I would love to continue to keep playing after high school. The only thing that stumps me is the fact that once you join a college sport, it then becomes a job. This choice remains to stand the hardest decision for me. I want make the best decision I can because if I don’t, I know I will regret it. I will use the seven steps to make the best decision. Gather Information Next, I must gather information about me problem. We all know that college is the complete opposite from cheap. Many students have to pass up the opportunity on going to college because of the cost. Scholarships come in handy for this. If I would go to college and want to play volleyball, it will still cost me a lot of money. However, if I can get a vast scholarship to go play volleyball for a college, I’m more likely to jump on that opportunity. According to the Chadron State website, the estimated cost to attend CSC to fit my needs, it will cost me $5,032.20 per semester. This is including room and board and also a meal plan. Now on the other hand, if I were to get an offer to go play volleyball somewhere, some of that money would be waived. This is defiantly an advantage in the long run when I am paying college off later on in life. Paying off college will take awhile if you don’t apply for scholarships. However, if I apply for scholarships and receive them as well as get a volleyball scholarship, it would be to my advantage. List Options When you look at my options, I could have several different ones. It just depends on which choice I am leaning closer to. If I do want to play volleyball in college, I would have options to which schools I want to go to. It will narrow down to which schools accept me. Not only that, but also which schools will offer me a scholarship. I think it would be awesome to receive a full ride to one of my top choice; however, I need to have a backup plan. My other options consist of if I don’t get a scholarship to the schools I want to go to, if I will even play volleyball in college. Advantages and Disadvantages There remain several advantages and disadvantages to each of my choices. One of the advantages that I consider the biggest stays getting a scholarship. Like I said earlier, college stands far from cheap. Yes, you can apply and receive scholarships, but that will not cover everything. If I would receive a major scholarship to go play volleyball and also receive other academic scholarships, paying for college would become easier. Another advantage is playing a sport would push me to keep my grades up. This would also force me to maintain a certain GPA to stay a member of the team. Therefore, I would have excellent grades. On the other hand, playing a sport in college can also come with some disadvantages. One of them includes that the sport becomes your second job. You leave for college sooner so you can train for your sport. You also have late practices, leaving little time to study. The disadvantages won’t faze you if you are dedicated to that sport. Make a Decision and Explain Why Having much time to think this through, I have made a decision. However, there are some twists and turns to my decision. It will depend on what all happens in the future. I feel that I am dedicated enough to the sport to play it in college. After attending try-outs for one college, I have found out it’s at a whole different level. I will have to not only prepare myself physically, but also mentally. I have come to a choice that if I receive a big scholarship, I will play volleyball in college. I know that it may be difficult my first year. Havening to manage not only my studies but also volleyball. I have thought about this long and hard and realized that I am capable of doing this. I am doing my best to get recognized by my top colleges for volleyball but if it’s not my top choice that does, I will evaluate that college and make my choice. My choice is well thought through and I am able to make a wise final decision. Make A Plan of Action Making a plan of action becomes the most important step. Several people have goals that they want to reach in life but they never have a plan of action to get there. When people don’t have a set plan, most of the time they never reach their goal. My plan of action can become a little flexible. My first step, I have already completed. That step remained applying and getting accepted into colleges. I have gotten accepted into UNK, CSC, Colby Community College in Kansas, and University of Wyoming in Laramie. My next step, to determine which school will give me the best offers based around my nursing major. Then, I will narrow it down to two schools. My last step stays that if one of those colleges offers me a scholarship to play volleyball, I will go play for them. Having a set plan will help you get to your goal. So make sure you make a plan of action to reach your goal or it’s possible you won’t get there. Evaluate The Decision I think attending college on a volleyball scholarship will remain the best decision. I feel that way because it will become much easier to pay for college. Also, I would love to continue playing volleyball. This would stay the best choice for those reasons. If I am able to do so, it will hopefully give me a whole new experience. It is much different than high school level. This remains why it would benefit to play volleyball in college. Conclusion In conclusion, the decision making process has several steps to it. First, you must define your problem. Next, you need to gather information about your problem. Then, you will need to list your options. Fourth, you have to find the advantages and disadvantages about each of your choices. Fifth, you must finally make a decision. Sixth, you must make a plan of action. This step can become the most important part because you need to make a plan on how to get there. Last, you need to evaluate the decision after it has happened. Decide whether your decision was a good or bad choice. References Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Prejudice and Discrimination of Homosexuals

Prejudice and Discrimination of Homosexuals In different countries of various beliefs and culture, people with homosexual behavior are often being subjected to prejudice and discrimination. In comparison with minority groups, who are one of the common topics of prejudice, this group of homosexual people are also subjected to stereotyping. Social scientists have typically defined prejudice as a negative intergroup attitude. [1] Sexuality orientation can be classified further into three main topics: Homosexuality, Bisexuality, and Heterosexuality. Homosexuality refers to sexual behavior/actions or seductive attraction among people of the same sex. The word gay is commonly being referred to a male homosexual, whereas lesbian is designated for female homosexuals. Right here in Singapore, majority of the public still have that prototypical mindset and misconstrue behavior which often leads to discrimination against this group of people. This is extremely unhealthy because homosexuality has been declassified as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association in the 1970s, and people in this day and age are still seeking to turn gay people straight, often resulting in negative effects on the subject.'[2] Simple stereotyping can be thought as all gay are feminine and all lesbians contain machismo hormones within them. Some even have misconceptions and labeled the gay as the main culprit for transmission of sexually transmitted disease or AIDS, considering them having a higher chance of contracting these diseases. In this modernized and civil society, it will be of much appreciation if homosexuality is much understood better by the public. If this discrimination continues to cycle around, it will cause a deleterious effect on the homosexual person. This may eventually lead to escalation of suicidal cases or further deterioration on the mental health. This is a topic that we should pay attention to. Homosexual discrimination can be found in anywhere or in any working sector. A homosexual man who has a kind soul within, have no exceptions either, he may have to bear the brunt of discrimination from a high profile sector. Gays are banned from donating their contaminated or filthy, some mi ght criticized on that, blood out; a legislation set by the Food and Drug Administration. [3] As mentioned, discrimination can be found in anywhere even in a small country like Singapore. A distinct proof which leads to discrimination being amplified in the country is where colonial legislation, Sections 377 and 377A of the Penal Code [4] are still brought into play. This shows that Singaporeans are too conservative to accept the fact of homosexual behavior coming into their existence. Discrimination against gay is being applied in various level of sector in the society. Achieved from a report, a highly educated personnel displaying out her ferocious attitude during a debate in Parliament in 2007 was shown that she compared anal sex as shoving a straw up your nose to drink.[5][6] The debater herself was a professor of law; specializing in international human rights law would present out such an outrageous quote on gay rights. Putting aside public discrimination, the power of media plays a strong part in this role. In a newspaper article, exaggerated from the fact by the journ alist, the gays were believed to be involved in promiscuous sex or are drug addict which is solely stereotyping thinking from the journalist.[5][6] The examples mentioned above are showing how typical people possess adverse thinking against homosexuality. Prejudice and discrimination against homosexuality will bring a vicious cycle effect to the society as it can be commonly identified as a talking topic for adults, or it may be a mistaught lesson for a child. Basically, chances of stereotypically thinking and discriminating against homosexual persons can happen in everyday conversations between people. Living in this society, people only know how to discriminate homosexuality as they tend to follow the majority. This is similar to, giving a primary school student a complicated algebraic question where he/she only knows how to apply simple standard mathematics formulations. This society needs to be better educated about homosexuality just like the student needs to be taught on how to work out that algebraic question. By educating people about homosexuality does not mean that they will stop discriminating gays. However, providing positive and correct information about homosexuality to teenagers who are stepping into this society and un derstanding of their sexuality is important. They will feel less fearful in the future. An example can be taken, the author of an article has a niece who came home and shouted, Gays are disgusting! He knew that the niece learnt that hatred from a classmate, who in turn had this hatred digested from the parents. This shows that people allow this hatred to become an ongoing cycle, which in time it turns out to be a fear for some people but under the influential of people around them they have no choice but to accept it resentfully. Here is another down to earth reason why is it important to stop all there discriminations. Lets ask ourselves this question, Who are all these gays and lesbians? These people are our very own Singaporeans. Living in a country, which does not give you the rights that belongs to you, is equivalent to pushing the gays and lesbians with no choice but to move out from this country to another, which will truly welcome them despite of their differences. A country without any natural resources cannot afford to drive out her gay sons and daughters. People always have the wrong comprehensive thinking that spreading of HIV and AIDS are associated with gays. They will think that as long as they perform safe sexual intercourse or preventing themselves to have sex with men will free them from contracting HIV or AIDS. They have shown an erroneous thinking which makes them believe that as long as they are not gay, they will be safe from diseases. A statistics result [7] shows that the number of people infected with the diseases through homosexual means is lesser than those of heterosexual means. When it comes to a serious stage, it will be death. Therefore, this myth has to be busted. People who are being discriminated might not have the courage to face it and the solution they will go for will be death. Sexuality based discrimination caused death in teens, a report shows. [8] In response to such incidents, Ellen DeGeneres speaks out, urging that we stop discriminating against gays, because one death is tragic, four is a crisis [8] Be it homosexual or heterosexual, we still come together and live as one and everyone deserves the right to be treated equally. The homosexual citizens will not be pleased if they found out that they are not treated to the same benefits that heterosexual citizens are being treated as. We should not hesitate to open up our views on them or in another way we must learn to accept what they are. Penal code337a criminalizes those who have sexual act between two males [2] [4]. This is one of the main reasons why Singaporeans are still badly discriminating the homosexuals. In many other countries, homosexual were slowly being received and laws were executed to protect them similar to the laws which heterosexual have. Protecting homosexuals against violence and discrimination is important. As they are the minority group which makes them an easy target. As we know, all the male Singaporean has to go through National service. Even homosexuals have no exception to this. The worst case will be, they do a self declare that they are gay and they will go through a thorough psychiatric assessment which then they will be by default downgraded to Public Employment Status C (PES C) in regardless of their fitness[9] . Once a soldier declared that hes gay, his armys world will be totally different from others. From this example, we call recall on that; inequality being faced by them in this society was a result from prejudice and discrimination on homosexuals. In order to have a prominent result, one should draw back their attention to the society. We all know that the root cause of this problem came from the society who discriminates, as and when; like or dislike, as they want. Thus, a solution which deals directly to the root cause will be an ideal one to recede the problem. In this society, filled with excitement, it is still required to be better educating these people about homosexuality. As research has found out that there are two groups of people with the different attitude s on how they think gay are. The group with a positive attitude toward gay usually has a few friends around them who falls under this, being gay, category. In contrast, with those with negative attitudes believe that they do not have any gay friends around them, in actual fact they do. Their discrimination towards gays goes back to the being stereotypical and prejudice. [10] We can conclude this by looking at simple theory. In order for a majority group to keep up its performance, it seeks cooperation from the minority group. To put in simpler words, a minority group like homosexuals can be influential to the majority group. Therefore, there is a need to bring prejudice and discrimination on homosexuals to a halt. Education on understanding ones sexuality needs to be taught to young adults and teenagers. Negative remarks about the homosexual society should be reduced via this education. Even parents need to be taught that being homosexual is not a crime nor is it wrong, and that it is a part of life.

The Life and Literary Works of Shirley Jackson Essay -- Essays Papers

Shirley Jackson was born on December 14, 1919 to Leslie and Geraldine Jackson. Her surroundings were comfortable and friendly. Two years after Shirley was born, her family with her newborn brother moved from San Francisco to Burlingame, California, about thirty miles away. "According to her mother, Shirley began to compose verse almost as soon as she could write it" (Friedman, 18). As a child, Shirley was interested in sports and literature. In 1930, a year before she attended Burlingame High School, Shirley began writing poetry and short stories. Jackson enrolled in the liberal arts program at the University of Rochester in 1934. But after periods of unhappiness and questioning the loyalty of her friends, she withdrew from the university. For the next year Shirley worked night and day on her writing. In doing so she established work habits, which she maintained for the rest of her life. After a year of becoming conscientious and disciplined writer, Jackson thought she better return to college for more schooling. In 1937, she entered Syracuse University. At first she was in the School of Journalism, but then she decided to transfer to the English department. For the next two years, while at Syracuse, Shirley published, fifteen pieces in campus magazines and became fiction editor of "The Syracusan", a campus humor magazine. When her position as fiction editor was eliminated, she and fellow classmate Stanley Edgar Hyman began to plan a magazine of literary quality, one that the English Club finally agreed to sponsor. (Friedman, 21) In 1939, the first edition of "The Spectre" was published. Although the magazine became popular, the English department didn't like the biting editorials and critical essays. But inspite of the department's constant watch over the magazine, Leonard Brown, a modern literature teacher, backed the students and the publication. Later, Jackson was always to refer to Brown as her mentor; and in 1959 she dedicated her novel "The Haunting of H ill House" to him.(Oppenheimer, 45) But in the summer of 1940, since Jackson and Hyman were graduating, it was announced the "The Spectre" had been discontinued. "Apparently hard feelings on the part of school authorities lasted for quite some time and may have been one of the reasons why neither Miss Jackson, even after becoming a successful author, nor Mr. Hyman, a known critic, was named as a recipi... ... Yorker. 28 June 1948. p. 292. Janeway, Elizabeth. "The Grotesque Around Us," The New York Times Book Review. 9 October 1966. p. 58. Kittredge, Mary. "The Other Side of Magic: A Few Remarks About Shirley Jackson." Discovering Modern Horror Fiction. Starmont House, New York, 1985. p. 4, 12, 14, 15. Kosenko, Peter. "A Marxist/Feminist Reading of Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery' ." The New Orleans Review. Spring 1985. p. 225. Nebeker, Helen. " 'The Lottery': Symbolic Tour de France," American Literature: Duke University, North Carolina, 1974. p. 107. Oehlshlaeger, Fritz. "The Stoning of Mistress Hutchinson: Meaning of Context in 'The Lottery'." Essays in Literature. No. 2, Fall, 1988. p. 259, 261. Oppenheimer, Judy. Private Demons: The Life of Shirley Jackson. G.P. Putnam's Sons: New York, 1988. p. 45, 60. Park, John G. "Waiting for the End: Shirley jackson's 'The Sundial'." Critique: Studies in Modern Fiction, No. 3., 1978. p. 21, 22. Wolff, Geoffrey. "Shirley Jackson's 'Magic Style'." The New Leader. No. 17. 9 September 1968. p. 18. Woodruff, Stuart. "The Real Horror Elsewhere: Shirley Jackson's Last Novel." Southwest Review. Spring, 1967. p. 155.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Alcohol in Our Society; Huxley’s View in Relation to Brave New World Es

Alcohol in Our Society; Huxley’s View in Relation to Brave New World Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is a science fiction book that captures both the good and bad sides of cloning and mass production of humans through science. Huxley’s book, published in 1932, conveys his well-developed and disturbingly accurate ideas about human behavior in what was then the distant future. In addition, his writing measures the capacity for which humans can obsess over not only having a perfect society, but also having total control over everyone and everything in a world where nothing is wild and untamed. Individualism is seen as a cause of instability, and society in its entirety is broken down into five castes. For the people of the â€Å"World State†, life is based on immediate pleasure and constant happiness; sex and the use of the drug soma are a major part of every person’s life. The use of soma is so prevalent in the World State that no other drugs are ever used by anyone. It is the cure for everything and the supplement to happiness. In some ways, it is possible to say that soma is used in a fashion that could draw comparisons to the use of alcohol in the society known to humans today. On several occasions in the book, major characters show their use soma as a way to escape from harsh or uncomfortable feelings, or to further enhance their social activities. In one such case, Lenina and Henry take several doses of the drug while on a date (Huxley, 75). The use of soma, in this instance, causes the two to become rather oblivious to what is happening around them, and eventually leads to them engaging in sexual intercourse. In this sense, it can easily be seen how soma is used in a similar way as alcohol; people use i... ...ohol became an instance of how soma could be considered a good alternative to alcohol. Linda’s uncontrolled drinking, however, came as a result of her conditioning and use of soma when she was a resident of the World State. Consequently, it can be argued that everyone from the World State is an abuser of soma in that he or she uses it to escape from anything and everything, similar to the way Linda uses alcohol to escape her past and her son. Huxley is clearly using soma to make a statement about society in general, how people use alcohol and other drugs as an escape and associate them with happiness and fun. It is obvious from his writing that he believes that a society, which is so intent on self-indulgence and considers this to be â€Å"High Life†, is truly a scary thought and worth comparing such a world to our own. (

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

The recognition of same-sex marriage is a political, social, and religious issue. Because of this same-sex marriage is a very controversial topic. Legal acknowledgement of same sex marriage is commonly referred to as marriage equality. Many advocates of marriage equality argue that laws restricting marriage to only heterosexuals discriminate against homosexuals. On the other hand advocates against same-sex marriage argue that it would undo long-standing traditions and change the meaning of marriage in a damaging manor. In this essay I will be arguing for same-sex marriage. The arguments mentioned as well as others will be discusses throughout this paper. Firstly I will discuss the reasons for marriage equality. I argue marriage equality is in the best interest for family life. Allowing homosexuals to form stable committed relationships through marriage would allow for healthier homosexual relationships. You can’t prevent people from being homosexual however giving those people the right to marry can help them experience greater personal happiness. Studies have suggested that not only does legalizing marriage in an area generally make homosexual individuals in that area happier; it also makes them physically and mentally healthier and saves them money on health care (Hatzenbuehler, O’Cleirigh, Grasso, Mayer, Safren, & Bradford, 20012). I don’t see any compelling reason to take away the joy homosexuals get from marriage, this is one of the many reasons I support marriage equality. Marriage naturally creates families; it provides the conditions for a healthy environment that is beneficial to the upbringing of children. Opponents of same-sex marriage often ground their arguments on parental and religious concerns. Many argue that sa... marriage. However marriage is not solely defined as a relationship between a man and a woman. The definition of marriage has varied throughout history. Depending heavily on religious and political views of an individual society. Quote and quote changing the meaning of marriage would not damage the meaning a marriage. It would still be the same binding contract that it is today. In conclusion I argue that banning same-sex marriage is discriminatory. It is discriminatory because it denies homosexuals the many benefits received by heterosexual couples. The right to marriage in the United States has little to do with the religious and spiritual meaning of marriage. It has a lot to do with social justice, extending a civil right to a minority group. This is why I argue for same-sex marriage. The freedom to marry regardless of gender preference should be allowed.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Class And Achievement In Education In The Uk Education Essay

Sociologists have established that difference in category has a bearing on accomplishment in instruction of the students. We can give four ground for this appraisal: general cognition ; proviso of certain stuffs ; difference in cultural values and attitudes ; and the procedure of labeling schools. ( Haralambos, M & A ; Holborn,2004 ) Although difference in general cognition or IQ degrees of students can non be straight related to societal category so it would be wise non to research this theory further. Now maintaining the other three factors in head, I ‘ll analyse the advantage and disadvantages of each of the three ( lower, in-between, and upper ) categories and associate it with their academic accomplishments. A Poverty is defined to be when an single receives income, which is at most 40 % of the average income in UK. With this standards in head about 13.5 million persons of which 2.9 million kids can be said to be in the lower category of the societal hierarchy in the UK in 2008. Students belonging to these places are more likely to hold deficient diet ensuing in lower energy and concentration degrees. Illness could be another effect and that could take to losing school ; at place they likely do n't hold a dedicated room for survey ; with limited purchasing power they cant afford better books or tuition ; taking parttime occupations may be a demand which would intend less clip for survey. Their options are limited to province schools and colleges. Choosing higher instruction would intend for them to do some fiscal forfeits and would possible consequence in them choosing to non prosecute farther instruction. Hyman suggested that students from lower category are at a cultural disadvantage so the other societal category pupils. He feels that comparing with the in-between category, lower category is non that ambitious as they feel that they are seeking to work off from their grass roots ; they thinks that they have a really obstinate attack towards this and do n't quite acquire the construct of doing short term forfeits for long term additions. Sugarman reinforced Hyman theories and added that the ground for such behaviour might be based on their ain experiences of working in an environment with really small growing chances and deficiency of grasp or encouragement to advancement. In add-on to the positions held by Hyman and Sugarman, Douglas said that in-between category and upper category parents tend to back up more in their kid ‘s faculty members. This theory has been proved by the attending at the parents- instructor meetings. Pierre Bourdieu has a different return on the thought that lower category students are at a cultural disadvantage. He feels that the underachievement of kids from these places lack the ‘cultural capital ‘ . He agreed that there is a difference in civilization of the upper, in-between and lower category, but maintained that no 1 is to state which is less of import than the other. Upper category has an advantage of holding power and resources to rule the society with their civilization. By a dominant civilization Bourdieu means that the upper category and perchance in-between category have one pes on success as they are likely to be in contact with good paying occupations because of the environment they are being raised. For this ground Pierre believes that lower category students do n't miss civilization and heritage but the difference in their civilization from the remainder keeps them at a disadvantage. Sociologists believe that the procedure of labeling in schools can besides hold a negative or positive consequence on the kids Hargreaves stated that students from working category are denied academic rubrics and privileges and so to counterbalance for this they kids tend to misbehavior. Students take labels like â€Å" worthless â€Å" as an encouragement to move in this manner. And the more you try to halt them the more they move off. Nell Keddie added some classs are designed otherwise for different sets of students. In this instance their professors thought it ‘d be wise to non expose the working category pupil to these surveies, in fright that they would non understand it. So in this instance the promise of better and more understanding instructors would assist these kids. Once once more this labeling environment is rarely found in the center and upper category pupils. ( Cole, M, 1995 ) A pupil ‘s chase for success is a direct effect for her academic motive. No two human existences are precisely the same and therefore execute otherwise in certain state of affairss than one another. Likewise pupils differ in their demand to win. Academic achievement motive is used to intend the student ‘s demand or drive towards the accomplishment of success. Gesnide states the importance of function theoretical account in a kid ‘s life. If high winners surround a kid than it is more likely that he will seek to follow their act. On the other manus if he is amongst low winners than that would barely actuate him to win. We define â€Å" place environment † as all the conditions and experience in place, which help develop a kid ‘s manner of thought and his emotional demands. There are many factors, which account for a certain signifier of place environment. Such as the educational background of a pupils ‘ parents, outlooks, income and figure of siblings. All these factors straight influence a kid ‘s ‘ public presentation in school. ( Meighan, R & A ; Harber, C ( 2007 ) Atkinson and Feather found out that pupils who have male parents working at high paying occupations are more motivated to acquire better classs at school. To Atkinson it was obvious that the will to win additions with the societal position. Harmonizing to Atkinson the ground for better public presentations by center and upper category pupils was down to the preparation these pupils received at place. They found out that parents who give freedom in decision-making are making a better occupation at actuating their kids for academic excellence. Majoribanks concurs with the findings of Atkinson and adds that a kid should be given duty to prepare him. Expectations should be kept high and the grade of complexness of undertaking should be raised to develop a sense of achievement in the kid from a immature age. ( Davies, N, 2000 ) Now lets take a expression at the fluctuation in male and female public presentations in instruction. From surveies conducted by Sean Coughlan it is observed that misss have done better than male childs in all societal categories. The engagement from adult females in universities has been on the addition. At the minute it stands close to 49 % by misss and merely 38 % is comprised of immature work forces. Reports suggest that success by adult females is non merely a tendency seen in all societal categories but besides in all cultural groups. This tendency is attributed to the deficiency of male instructors in the primary schools. Sociologists believe that male childs are more motivated to execute good in category if they are being taught by male instructors. About 75 % of primary schools in UK have no male instructors in their staff. This tendency has been stretched into ulterior old ages now as pupils lose some motive to larn, and other factors like non being able to speak about toughs to their female school teachers. Another survey tells us that there is a deficiency of male function theoretical accounts in the form of invitee talkers and voluntaries. Other sociologists attribute this tendency to deficiency of resort areas at school. Since male childs have more physical energy they need to exercise more before they can eventually settle down and survey. And decreasing figure of resort areas means that male pupils lose more and more involvement in school. ( Lawton, D 1992 ) One noteworthy thing might be the instance where the betterment of misss in faculty members over the few decennaries may merely be the illustriousness and due to their obedient behaviour more than anything else that have seen them out execute the male childs. But one thing is for certain that this tendency is consistent with all the societal categories. So this can non be considered a direct nexus towards societal category and accomplishment in instruction in UK. Lashkar-e-taibas further honkytonk into the statement beyond ethnicities. It wont be incorrect to state that cultural minority pupils such as the Chinese and Indian -Origin students have been superb academically. But the Afro-Caribbean students are non executing excessively good. Recent findings show that consciously or unconsciously racism by does persist at some degree. Although some instructors are known to assist these pupils. In his book, Bernard Coard states that the UK instruction system is unsupportive of afro-Caribbean kids as it makes them experience like they do n't belong. He farther states that their idiom is ridiculed ; white symbolizes something good whereas black means something bad ; black pupils become a mark of labeling. ( Majors, R ( erectile dysfunction ) , 2001 ) Cecile Wright supported Benards ‘ research. He said that professors seldom brought Asiatic and black kids into group treatments. As they felt that the Asian and the black pupil do n't hold lesser communicating accomplishments. However, instructors besides had higher outlooks of Asian beginning than of Afro-Caribbean beginning students. ( Journal: Race, Ethnicity and Education ) Gilbourn and Youdell joint findings confirmed the frights faced by the cultural minority students. They explained ground for the under-performance of Afro-Caribbean studentsA due to the fact that, Afro-Caribbean pupil were admitted and placed in lower grade GCSE scrutinies. And the focal point of the professors has chiefly ever been on the high winners and second-rate pupils and assisting low winners ( who were normally black ) was secondary. These grounds sum up to ensue in bad public presentations by the black pupils. ( Wright, C 2000 ) Most sociologists believe that labeling theories hold some substance. And make supply an reply for the favoritism in category and ethnicity in the field of instruction. But the critics of such statements believe that these tax write-offs are based on little group of students. And these findings might be biased. Surveies by the University College London ( UCL ) and Kings College London came up with statistical grounds back uping this statement. This study uses figures released by the Department for Education and Skills. â€Å" These are really of import findings, which should alter the manner parents, students and politicians think about schools, † says Richard Webber, professor at UCL. â€Å" This is the first clip we have been able to mensurate the precise impact of a kid ‘s societal background on their educational public presentation, every bit good as the importance of a school ‘s consumption on its standing in the conference tabular arraies. † The survey concludes that schools with more â€Å" middle-class † pupils have a good faculty member record. It even went on to state that 50 % of any college ‘s academic public presentation is due to the category of it pupils. In classy countries, the passing rate in schools is 67 % and for colleges its 94 % . For the pupils coming from working category places, merely 13 % have a good consequence in the endlish trial. And merely 24 % of students get five-plus classs of C or above in their GCSE. â€Å" The consequences show that the place of a school in published conference tabular arraies, the standard typically used by parents to choose successful schools, depends more on the societal profile of its students than the quality of the instructors, † says Webber, who, along with Professor Tim Butler from Kings, has devised new school conference tabular arraies from the information that take the societal background of each student into account. â€Å" The consequences of the survey will be published at the terminal of the twelvemonth by the UCL. But it included pupils from 61 different socio-economic groups with their background known. ( Power, S, Edwards, T, Whitty, G, & A ; Wigfall, V 2003 ) In the yesteryear it was seen that the working category were far behind than the remainder in footings of academic accomplishment. But one would believe that this tendency should get down to alter in 2011, if non already hold changed. But what we miss to see is that the foundation of the whole instruction system has already been laid. And that is to function the involvement of the center and upper category. Harmonizing to Ken Roberts, the new policies created in footings to increase the demographic of academic winners are nil but an semblance. As he says that the elitism merely favors the in-between category, as they are non truly cognizant of the state of affairs, which surrounds them. It ‘s non truly a bias on their portion but a manner of life. Bourdieu adds to Roberts ‘s theories by stating that the privileges of the working category have been overshadowed by the dominant civilization of the in-between category. And this tendency has reflected in the field of instruction. And even after being portion of a individual province schooling system, the difference in consequences supports on broadening. ( John, G, 2006 ) This tendency is most in grounds in the UK. A study by the Lond School of Economics showed that UK has the lowest alterations in societal up step or debasement. This tendency besides highlights the fact that better classs would take to better occupation and hence and betterment in the societal category. But since the study suggests really small societal mobility, that besides means that the lower category are non executing rather every bit good as the in-between category and the in-between category are non executing rather every bit good as the upper category pupils. Even though immense development have been made in the field of instruction and there has been a monolithic addition in the figure of pupils being taught in schools, colleges and universities but the tendency of accomplishing success has remained the same in the UK instruction system. Summarizing up, these tendencies are due to a combination of cultural difference, fiscal difference, and the labeling policies that are being practiced in schools and colleges all over the UK. Unfortunately these tendencies while working against the on the job category, favor the center and upper category. So pupils from hapless households get hapless classs on their tests. Lashkar-e-taibas besides consider the relationship between ethnicity, sex and category. Of the three societal category no uncertainty the most ascendant factor. Girls, from all categories get higher classs than male childs. This tendency is chiefly attributed to a little or no sum of male instructors in primary school. This consequences in controling the enthusiasm and motive of male students. But since this tendency is over all categories we can non see it the specifying factor to associate accomplishment and societal category. Even though Chinese and Indian- beginning pupil have done good in the UK instruction system but by and large the cultural minority, particularly the 1s from working category have non done good academically. But from the positions of sociologist and some factual statistics there is no uncertainty that societal category is the most revealing factor in accomplishment in instruction. This tax write-off holds true for primary and secondary schools. But the right balance of category laterality can non be gauged right in colleges and universities because of the few bright and high achieving pupils, belonging to take down category, non many really choose to travel for higher instruction. Merely approximately 25 % of these pupils go for higher surveies. So the comparing can be made at school degree but at college or university degree there is still a really little group of kids to pull a unequivocal tax write-off. As stats tell us that the engagement of this category is every bit low as merely 10 % in colleges and universities. This is down to the cultural spread and them non desiring to do fiscal forfeits and be in debt by the clip they graduate. Having that we can safely reason that the links between societal category and high academic winners is really evident and apprehensible.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Curriculum Provides An Emerging Leader Education Essay

In this class, you will develop the cognition and accomplishments of an instructional leader who besides efficaciously manages course of study and direction. The class assignments will steer you as you increase your leading abilities in the countries of course of study direction, application of province jurisprudence and local policy as they relate to curriculum and direction, and campus betterment planning. In this hebdomad ‘s assignment, you will sum up needed course of study constituents and high school graduation demands, depict the constituents of the TEA acquisition system and do suggestions for betterment, and roll up informations to get down decision-making on a learner-centered staff development session. This hebdomad, you should: identify and sum up the constituents of a state-required course of study. analyze the constituents of the TEA acquisition system and do suggestions for betterments. analyze state-generated informations and a Campus Improvement Plan for the intent of decision-making.RubricUse the following rubric to steer your work.AccomplishedProficientUnacceptablePart 1: Summary of Curriculum RequirementsClearly summarizes the demands of the Texas-mandated course of study with seven paragraphs – one for each constituent.( 3 points )Summarizes the demands of the Texas-mandated course of study. Not all seven constituents addressed.( 2 points )Does non sum up the demands of the Texas-mandated course of study.( 0 points )Part 2: TEA Learning System ComponentsEfficaciously summarizes the province and local commissariats of the TEA acquisition system.( 3 points )Summarizes the province and local commissariats of the TEA acquisition system.( 2 points )Does non sum up the province and local commissariats of the TEA acquisition system.( 0 points )Part 3: Gathering Datas for Decision MakingBrands an in-depth analysis of AEIS informations and a CIP to choose a content country and aim for a learner-centered staff development session.( 3 points )A nalyzes AEIS informations and a CIP to choose a content area/ aim for a learner-centered staff development.( 2 points )Does non analyse AEIS informations and a CIP to choose a learner-centered staff development subject.( 0 points )MechanicssFew to no mistakes in grammar, spelling or punctuation.( 1 point )Responses lack lucidity and deepness and/or multiple mistakes in grammar, spelling or punctuation.( 0 points )Week 1 Assignment: Course of study and the TEA Learning SystemPart 1: Summary of Curriculum RequirementsKnowledge of the province ‘s needed course of study provides an emerging leader with a foundation for determination devising. In this portion of the assignment, you will analyze what Texas jurisprudence says about course of study. Directions: From your Web reference box, entree the TEA Web site hypertext transfer protocol: // Read and analyze the undermentioned subdivisions of the Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part II: 74.1 Essential Knowledge and Skills 74.2 Description of a Required Elementary Curriculum 74.3 Description of a Required Secondary Curriculum 74.4 English Language Proficiency Standards 74.62 Minimum High School Program 74.63 Recommended High School Program 74.64 Distinguished Achievement High School Program-Advanced High School Program( Note: Requirements changed as of the 2007-2008 school twelvemonth, and A §74.63 and A §74.64 reflect the new 4 ten 4 demands. )Compose a two-page sum-up of the seven constituents. Include at least one paragraph on each subdivision. Type your paper in the expandible box below.Summary of Curriculum RequirementsStudents are required to have the basic or indispensable cognition and accomplishments course of study which consist chiefly of the nucleus course of study. The bulk of the nucleus course of study consists of the rudimentss in English, Math, Science and Social Studies. Students are besides entitled to an enrichment course of study that consists of wellness and physical instruction, foreign linguistic communications, all right humanistic disciplines and categories of that nature. Elementary course of study consists of taking the same nucleus categories as mentioned before in the old paragraph. The timeframe for this goes from kindergarten to the fifth class. Secondary course of study consists of a much wider range of categories get downing with grade 6 and reasoning with the pupils ‘s graduation at the decision of their 12th grade twelvemonth. Get downing their 9th class twelvemonth, pupils must be given the chance to take four old ages English, four old ages of math and scientific discipline every bit good as World Geography, World History and US History. Government and Economics must be offered as good. Along with these nucleus categories, pupils must be given the chance to gain recognition in categories runing from wellness and engineering to any given foreign linguistic communication category. English Language Proficiency Standards require ESL pupils to be mainstreamed into categories to supply them with the least restrictive acquisition environment. The course of study is chiefly concerned with supplying pupils with the societal consciousness every bit good as the academic consciousness to be successful as an ESL pupil. The end is to supply adequate academic support to enable pupils to be successful non merely in an academic environment but besides in societal scenes every bit good. Under the Minimum High School demands, pupils must go through four old ages of English with one of the four old ages being a Research based English category. You must hold two old ages of scientific discipline and 2 and a half credits of Social Studies. A pupil must hold 5 and a half credits of electives along with 3 credits in Math. The remainder of a pupil ‘s credits are chiefly made up of half credits in engineering, wellness and economic sciences categories that must number 22 credits in order to graduate. In the Recommended Plan, pupils are required to gain 24 credits in order to graduate. The nucleus classs consist of 4 English credits every bit good as 3 credits in Science and Math. The biggest difference between this program and the minimal program is the fact that in the recommended program, pupils are merely required to obtain 3 and a half credits in elected classs. A high school pupil must besides obtain 24 credits in order to graduate with the Distinguished Plan. The demands are really similar to the old demand programs mentioned antecedently in this transition. Three Math and Science credits, four English credits, three and a half Social Studies credits and 3 Foreign Language credits make up the bulk of the nucleus demands. As with the Recommended Plan, the needed figure of elected credits goes down to 2 and a half alternatively of than 3 and a half.Part 2: TEA Learning System ComponentsIn this subdivision of the assignment, you will depict the minimal province commissariats of the six constituents of the TEA acquisition system, desirable local commissariats for each constituent, and your preliminary thoughts for betterment. Directions: Review the constituents of the TEA acquisition system in the Week 1 talk and the information you gathered in Part 1 of the assignment. As you review, think about desirable local commissariats for each constituent. See strengths and failings in local commissariats. Access the Texas Education Code at hypertext transfer protocol: // and/or the Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, ( TAC ) : Part II Texas Education Agency at hypertext transfer protocol: // Peruse these sites for more information about the TEA acquisition system constituents. Collaborate online with two co-workers to finish the tabular array on the TEA acquisition system by depicting the minimal province commissariats, desirable local commissariats for each of the six constituents, and your preliminary suggestions for betterment. Your suggestions may alter after finishing the class.TEA Learning System ComponentsCollaborator # 1: Collaborator # 2: Component Minimal State Provision Desirable Local Provision Preliminary Suggestion for Improvement Learning Goals Students need to be able to read, compose, job solve, and use high order believing accomplishments in all needed topics The pedagogues within a territory have a manus in finding what will be taught if they are chosen to be on the province panel. Current pedagogues should hold more of a pick in determing what should be taught. There is experiencing that the people who make a bulk of the determinations are disconnected from the schoolroom. The major suggestion for betterment is to allow instructors and decision makers at the local degree have more input in the scholar ends. Course of study Documents The school territory is responsible for educating all of the pupils through the alliance of course of study. The course of study must consist of the ( 4 ) nucleus topics and enrichment course of study. The province of Texas has a system in topographic point where each territory can follow its instrucrional stuffs. Each school territory will hold the flexibleness to find the procedure for choosing new instructional stuffs. The stuffs that are chosen have to be approved by the province with the exclusion of the enrichment topics. The cost will be shared by the province and the territory Some of the enrichment classs should be added to the foundation classs. In attempt to be a leader in the planetary economic system, the pupils in America need to be good rounded ; some of the enrichment classs can supply that if they are made compulsory. Instructional Program The stuff that is taught must be portion of the needed course of study. The pupils will be presented the stuff in a assortment of different scenes. The province will let the instructor to learn the stuffs in a method that is suited. The province can put criterions when covering with lab clip. The territory will do certain what is being taught is aligned with the province required course of study. The stuffs adopted by the territory will run into curriculum demands. Teachers will follow range and sequence to do certain the aims are covered for each TEK. Teachers that teach a category that requires lab use will plan lessons that allow for clip to finish assignments. The province should plan a system that allows for instructors to learn capable affair and non concentrate on province mandated trial. Staff Development Program Staff Development should use the scholar centered rule. This system relates to scholars and the acquisition procedure. The factors within the system are cognitive, metacognitive, motivational and affectional, and developmental/social/ single differences. This will use to everyone who is invested in the educational community. Districts will carry on staff development seminars that are relevant to the demands of the territory. The territory can seek the services of regional support staff or pedagogues within the territory to carry on the seminars. When staff development is conducted, develop a system where more than one seminar is conducted at the same locale. Each seminar is scheduled during clip slots which will let pedagogues to go to more than one seminar during the twenty-four hours. The pedagogue can besides take which seminar they want to go to. This will keep high involvement degree and conformity by pedagogues in each seminar. Measurement System The measuring tool is called the Academic Excellence Indicator System. This system uses the consequences from the TAKS trial, other province mandated trial, the advancement of ELL, dropout rate, completion rate and college preparedness. This study is available in the autumn of each twelvemonth. The study is divided into different classs to supply indepth information on the school staff, fundss, plans and pupils. This study focuses on answerability. The territory can utilize the AEIS systems as a measuring tool to find how the territory is executing. The territory can utilize the informations to see which bomber groups need to be targeted for betterment. The territory can besides utilize it as a rewarding system for instructors who made drastic betterments with their pupils. The system needs to be adaptable to the territories. Some territories may non hold the available resources to fix pupils for the twenty-first century. The system needs to hold a graduated table that accounts for the lacks, at the same clip keeping teacher accountable for their pupils larning. Administrative Procedures The chief focal point of this strand is the Campus Improvement Plan, which is revised annually. The end of this program is student betterment for all subgroups. The program needs to be aligned with the territory and province guidelines. The principal must besides be involved by doing certain the right classs are being offered. Each school in a territory will hold a Campus Improvement Plan that addresses the demands of their school. The principal will work with the site based commission to discourse thoughts to better the school. More instruction for pupils and staff on the new demand for high school graduation. Students need to be cognizant of the recognition demands under the Recommended and Distinguished Achievement Programs. How can understanding the constituents of the TEA acquisition system aid you in your work as an instructional leader? By understanding the constituents of the TEA acquisition system an instructional leader will hold the ability to relay the scholar ends to any individual who has an investing in the educational system. An instructional leader will be able to help in doing certain that the campus, territory, and province ends are aligned. As an instructional leader I can help in the acceptance of school instructional stuffs. I can do certain that the stuffs that are chosen are supported by the instructors and the stuffs will outdo function the pupils. I can help forces at the territory degree to do certain the course of study meets province guidelines. I can function as a liason between instructors and disposal to take relevant staff development chances. I can educate other instructor on the AEIS system and how the information aids the campus in finding what resources will outdo function our pupils. Why is of import that an instructional leader better the constituents of the TEA acquisition system? It ‘s of import that the instructional leader efforts to better the TEA acquisition system because the educational landscape is continually altering. With the usage of engineering in instruction, the system will necessitate to hold a engineering constituent. The constituents need to reflect the demand for developing twenty-first century scholars. Besides as an instructional leader, you want to try to run into the demands of the pupils, irrespective of academic background.Part 3: Gathering Datas for Decision MakingA critical accomplishment for an instructional leader is the ability to do experimental determinations. You will pattern this accomplishment as you begin work on a learner-centered staff development session. You will choose a school-ideally 1 in which you work, reexamine its AEIS information and Campus Improvement Plan ( CIP ) , and choose a content area/objective for betterment. You are non required to show the staff development during this class, but you must hold a chief O.K. your docket and set up a clip with the principal for presentation of the session. Directions: Access the 2006-07 AEIS Campus Reports at: hypertext transfer protocol: // Complete the signifier to choose a school and entree a campus study. Review the Academic Excellence Indicator System ( AEIS ) information, reply inquiries about the informations, and place four content countries that need betterment. Review the selected school ‘s Campus Improvement Plan ( CIP ) . Answer inquiries about the informations, and turn up two aims for each of the four content countries identified in the AEIS informations. Based on the information, take one content-area and an aim within that content country as the focal point of a learner-centered staff development session.Experimental Reflection and Decision MakingIs there anything in the AEIS or CIP informations that you do non understand? If so, what would you wish clarified? The one portion of the AEIS study that I did n't understand was the â€Å" Acct Status † label. Under that section of the study there was a class labeled â€Å" Acct System † , â€Å" Non-Acct. System † , â€Å" Mobile † , and â€Å" Non-Acct Trial † . I merely assumed that Katrina and Rita were hurricane evacuees. I would wish to derive more information on that section of the AEIS study. I besides need elucidation on how they calculated the per centum for all trial. The Numberss did n't fit the sums for the campus. What about the information surprises you? What about the informations concerns you? The Numberss that surprises and concerns me are the entire per centum for pupils who met criterions. I thought the pupils would ‘ve performed better because of the resources that the school offers. Even though pupil public presentation showed a little addition, it is still ( 20 ) per centum points below province norm. How does the information tantrum with your feelings about how the pupils at this school are making? The information is surprising because of all of the plans and chances this school territory offers. I thought the pupils would hold performed better. The school has many different resources that pupils can take advantage of to assist with TAKS aims. The school offers many after school plans, engineering related tools, and remedial resources. I think the school has so many good things that the pupils look to go involved in other activities and bury about the importance of acquiring aid with TAKS aims. Does it look to differ from what you have personally experienced? Did the pupils do every bit good as you and the school expected? The pupils typically performed good on trial that were given at the beginning of the testing agenda. As the yearss passed, pupils used more clip to take trial because they were fatigued and some pupils decided to hotfoot through the trial. Overall the pupils did make good. On the footing of the information you examined, in which countries of the course of study are pupils executing good? In the country of 9th Reading, pupils are executing at the mean province degree. Tenth grade Social Studies are executing ( 2 ) per centum points below province degree. Eleventh grade Language humanistic disciplines, pupils are executing above province degree. Eleventh grade Social Studies, pupils are executing ( 2 ) per centum points below province degree. On the footing of the information you examined, in which country ( s ) of the course of study are pupils executing ill? Why do you believe pupils are executing ill in those countries? In the country of 9th Math, pupils are executing ( 6 ) per centum points below province degree even though the pupil public presentation addition from the old twelvemonth. Tenth grade Language Arts, pupils are executing ( 6 ) per centum points below province degree. The pupils besides dropped in public presentation from the old twelvemonth. Tenth grade Math and Science showed the largest lessening in public presentation compared to province degrees. The pupil ‘s per centums were lower than the old twelvemonth. Eleventh grade Math, pupils per centums increased but tonss were still over ( 10 ) per centum points below province degree. Eleventh grade Science showed an addition in public presentation but pupils were still below province degree. Complete the following tabular array to clear up content countries and aims that need betterment. Campus: Bowie District: Arlington Principal: WilmothAEIS-Identified Content AreaClass:AEIS Data EvidenceCIP-Identified AimsContent Area # 1 English/ Language Humanistic disciplines 10th Dropped 3 % # 1 Cultivate a civilization to do profound larning through purposeful engagement cardinal. # 2 Evaluate and supply auxiliary stuffs for the direction of limited English speech production pupils in all content countries Content Area # 2 Science 10th Dropped 5 % # 1 Instructional staff is provided with ongoing staff development and collaborative preparation in Profound Learning Experiences Design and Problem Based Learning Experiences. # 2 Offer chances for redress in TAKS command Content Area # 3 Mathematicss 10th Dropped 1 % # 1 Instructional staff is provided with ongoing staff development and collaborative preparation in Profound Learning Experiences Design and Problem Based Learning Experiences. # 2 Evaluate and supply auxiliary stuffs for the direction of limited English speech production pupils in all content countries Content Area # 4 Mathematicss 11th 14 % below province norm # 1 Offer chances for redress in TAKS command # 2 Evaluate and supply auxiliary stuffs for the direction of limited English speech production pupils in all content countries Choose a content area/objective for your learner-centered staff development. To make this, reply the undermentioned inquiry: Based on the information, which content-area should be the principal ‘s highest precedence? Explain why you think so. I think Mathematicss should be the topic that deserves the most attending. It seems that as the pupils progress to the following class the per centum spread compared to the stae is going larger. The 9th class pupils showed a 5 % negative difference, 10th class pupils showed a 19 % negative difference, and 11th class showed a 14 % difference How can a leader use the AEIS to originate the development of an instructional focal point for a campus? An educational leader can utilize the AEIS informations to aim countries that need betterment. By analysing the information leaders can find which groups will necessitate particular attending. Leaderships can carry on staff development and attend workshops to turn to the shortages. The information can assist instructors concentrate on certain aims that were misunderstood. The information can besides assist different capable countries reference lacks in the stuff that is taught.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How Important is Setting in Gulliver’s Travels? Essay

Gulliver’s Travels was written in 1726 by Johnathan Swift. Swift was a very outspoken member of the Church of England. His previous book, The Tale of a Tub satirized the feuds between Catholics and Protestants, and ruined his chances of being a bishop with its unpopularity. Swift uses setting in Gulliver’s Travels to reveal his own criticisms of humanity and his views on society. He presents several different societies, which each represent an exaggerated aspect of 18th century Europe. The eponymous ‘hero’ is Lemuel Gulliver, whose name indicates his nature: He starts off extremely gullible. As Gulliver travels through Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnugg, and the Land of the Houyhnhnms, he becomes disillusioned with his own humanity and ends up disgusted by other humans and spending his life talking to his horses. In Lilliput, Swift draws parallels with England, the nobility and parliament in particular. The emperor is small-minded and probably represents George I. George I was German and never learnt to speak English. He was reputed to be vain, like the emperor, who needs long introductions and fancy title to boost his ego. In Lilliput, Swift also introduces the idea that the stature of a human is proportional to the generosity, kindness, and wisdom of a human, contrary to Gulliver’s expectations. At the start of his second voyage, he even says, â€Å"Human creatures are observed to be more savage and cruel in proportion to their bulk†. This is after he has been tied up, shot at, and trapped by the tiny Lilliputians, which enforces the idea that Gulliver’s observations are not always accurate. This incorrect observation highlights the almost perfect society of the Brobdingnagians, who are much bigger than Gulliver. Swift mainly uses Lilliput to draw attention to the absurdity of religious wars, such as the conflict between the Catholics in Ireland and the English Protestants. The main way he does this is by giving an exaggerated example of a stupid religious war: Lilliput’s war with Blefescu. The war started because the then Emperor of Lilliput passed a law saying that everyone had to break their eggs at the small end. People who broke this law were discriminated against, and books by them were destroyed and not published. This is very similar to the situation in Ireland which Swift strongly objected to, despite the fact that he was a Protestant himself. Furthermore, the mutually sacred book of the Little-endians and Big-endians says, â€Å"All true believers shall break their egg at the convenient end†. This is blatantly Swift saying that war between Catholics and Protestants is foolish because they are only arguing about their interpretation of the same book. His point is convin cing because he uses an obviously ridiculous example to demonstrate his idea. As well as drawing attention to the absurdity of the conflict in Ireland, Swift also reflects on vanity in humans. The Lilliputians, though incredibly small, are so vain that they think they can imprison Gulliver. Another example is when Gulliver saves the Empress and her possessions but instead of thanking him, she is so proud that she cannot cope with the way he put out the fire, even though it was the only way to save her apartment. She pressures the government to get rid of Gulliver because of the harm he has caused her reputation. The Empress is thought to represent Queen Anne, who was displeased by Swift’s earlier book The Tale of a Tub because she thought that, while it might dissuade interest in Catholicism, it would do the same for Protestantism. Her disapproval meant that Swift would never become a bishop. In contrast to Lilliput, Brobdingnag is almost utopian; all resources are pooled and divided equally, and the King and Queen are wise and just. During Gulliver’s stay in Brobdingnag, he attends the king several times to tell him about England and Europe. Gulliver recounts â€Å"He was perfectly astonished with the historical account I gave him of our affairs during the last century, protesting it was only a heap of conspiracies, rebellions, murders, massacres, revolutions, banishments, [and] the very worst effects that avarice, faction, hypocrisy, perfidiousness, cruelty, rage, madness, hatred, envy, lust, malice, or ambition could produce†. These are incredibly strong words from such a kind king, which shows that he is very upset by the actions of a race that is so similar to his own. Swift makes Gulliver seem stupid in Lilliput, by making him endure his captivity, be afraid of the Lilliputians, and other things related to his size in relation to his captors, and because Swift has given us the impression that Gulliver is a fool, we start to believe his opinions less and less, and start to interpret his narrative in different ways. This in turn helps us believe that the Brobdingnagian King is at least partly right in saying that â€Å"the bulk of your natives [are] the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the Earth†. Gulliver then says that the king must be excused because he is so far from the rest of the world that his standards could not fit in our country. Even though Swift portrays Brobdingnag as a sort of Utopia, and it is by far the most civilised place Gulliver visits, it is not perfect. The dictionary defines ‘Utopia’ as â€Å"an ideal and perfect place or state where everyone lives in harmony and everything is for the best†. There is still crime in Brobdingnag, because Gulliver himself watches the execution of a murderer, and there are still bad people, as in every society, like the dwarf, who drops Gulliver in a bowl of cream. Perhaps Swift is saying that even the best human societies cannot be truly perfect, because of the nature of humanity; some people are born bad. This is at odds with the thinking of the time, when people optimistically thought that human nature was basically good. Swift is suggesting that this is untrue. Gulliver’s next voyage is to Laputa. Swift uses Laputa to show his opinion of the (then) current obsession with scientific knowledge and learning. The Laputians are so deep in thought all the time that they have to employ ‘flappers’ to bring them back into a conversation by flapping them on the ears and mouth. They are unable to carry out a conversation, or do anything physical, without a flapper. Because of this, their wives and daughters escape to the mainland underneath Laputa whenever they can, and some do not come back. Swift uses the Laputians to show the stupidity of science just for science’s sake; when scientists start to ignore the rest of the world because they are so concerned in astronomical and mathematical matter, they are not helping anyone. The word ‘Laputa’ sounds like the Spanish word for ‘prostitute’, ‘la puta’, and Swift would have known this, so he may be suggesting that the Laputians have prostituted themselves to science. Laputa is also a floating island, kept up by a magnetic stone, so the Laputians literally have their heads in the clouds. After realising that Gulliver is not as clever as he is supposed to be (he is a doctor), the reader has begun to read into Gulliver’s descriptions and should see the ridiculousness and the comparison to scientists. Also on this voyage, Gulliver visits a place called The Academy, which represents the Royal Society of London, a scientific institute set up by Isaac Newton. The experiments described Gulliver that take place in The Academy actually happened in the Royal Society, despite how ridiculous they are. They include extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers, using spiders to produce silk, and ploughing the ground with pigs who are trying to find acorns that have been planted there. Each of the professors doing these experiments is odd in appearance, to draw attention to the strangeness of their experiment. All of the places Gulliver travels to on this voyage are obsessed with knowledge, except Luggnugg, where those born with immortality are feared and looked down on. These people have realised the problems with immortality. At first, Gulliver imagines how he would spend an infinite lifetime, but he imagines himself eternally young, but this is a different thing to immortality. After seeing the aged Struldbruggs, he says, â€Å"My keen Appetite for Perpetuity of Life was much abated. I grew heartily ashamed of the pleasing Visions I had formed, and thought no Tyrant could invent a Death into which I would not run with Pleasure from such a Life.† Gulliver’s final voyage, and the most controversial one, is to the Land of the Houyhnhnms, which sounds a bit like the word ‘human’ when said by a horse. In this Land, Gulliver firsts sees the Yahoos, which he sees as some kind of animal and not as humans at all. He describes their appearance as he would an animal, and compares them to other animals, noting, as the Brobdingnagian scientists did, that they weren’t very well equipped for survival. Because of their wild appearance, he does not recognise them as human, and is shocked when he discovers that they are. In the Land of the Houyhnhnms, horses are the ruling species, and keep Yahoos as pets. The Yahoos emphasise everything Swift has implied about humanity; they show avarice, lust, and greed, the leader is always the slyest and disgusting one. The grey mare, Gulliver’s companion on this voyage, says that when more than enough food is given to a group of Yahoos, each one will try to get it all to itself. The Land of the Houyhnhnms is by far the most ideal society Gulliver encounters, albeit not for the humans. However, it is almost completely devoid of emotion, and is the only place Gulliver visits where the ‘people’ do not have names. As well as this, if a family has two same-gender foals, they will trade one with a family that has two foals of the opposite gender, to keep the balance. This would be impossible in a human society, as nobody would trade his or her own child. The closest a human society gets to this is in Lilliput, one of the most ridiculous countries Gulliver visits, where the children only see their parents for a few days a year, and live communally the rest of the time. Swift may be suggesting, by making this happen in Lilliput, that it is a bad idea, and that parents should keep their own children, even at the cost of society. the Land of the Houyhnhnms shows that a ‘perfect society’ is possible, but as Swift chooses to compose it of horses, with humans as a hindrance to it, he is probably suggesting that because of the nature of humans, we cannot possibly have an entirely perfect society, we can only try, as in Brobdingnag. In conclusion, Swift uses each setting to emphasis one or more of humanity’s flaws. In Lilliput, he demonstrates pride in the Lilliputians, in Brobdingnag he shows us the stupidity of the vanity of the women by pointing out all their blemishes from close up (â€Å"Their Skins appeared so coarse and uneven, so variously coloured, when I saw them near, with a Mole here and there as broad as a Trencher, and Hairs hanging from it thicker than Pack-threads, to say nothing further concerning the rest of their Persons.†) In his third voyage, the thirst for knowledge and immortal life is ridiculed, and in the Land of the Houyhnhnms, everything Swift has said so far is confirmed, in the disgusting Yahoos.