Friday, May 31, 2019

Noahs Ark vs. Jurassic Park :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Noahs Ark vs. Jurassic ParkAs the human population of the world continues to increase the flora and fauna of the planet are becoming an increasingly little part of the picture. Environmentalist and conservationists all over the globe are working hard to find strategies and methods for the preservation of disappearing creatures and species. An increasingly popular idea that would allow for for great benefits in the field of conservation became apparent in 1996 with the cloning of sheep by the name of Dolly. Since then the scientific debate on the relationship surrounded by cloning and conservation has ensued. Although the answer to that question remains on the horizon, cloning for helping endangered species is a process that may become a general procedure in the future. When one thinks of cloning generally the first idea that pops into your mind is a large tube filled with some creature disposed to a lot of tubes. Cloning actually, is a much more complicated and difficult process . Cloning, scientifically defined is, asexual reproduction or as the cosmos of genetically identical individuals (1). In the cloning process the DNA of one individual creature is copied into the cell, or embryo, of another and then that embryo draws into a fumble and proceeds down the process of birth and embryological development. Currently, many scientists believe that if the DNA of endangered species is rescued and preserved that the DNA of that species could undergo the cloning process and and so produce a clone of that species. The results of this cloning process would be enormous or it will open a new front in the combat to preserve the Earths biodiversity by cloning endangered gorillas, tigers and other rare species (2). Cloning of endangered species would be a monumental achievement for the scientific community. Many raft when they think of cloning picture sometime weird science fiction creature in a test but in real lifespan the idea of cloning could be a valuable too l for the environmental community and it would be a process could vastly improve the current moorage of endangered species. Part of the reason why the cloning process is so highly revered is because of the level of complexity and the multiple details that must develop accordingly for the process to work. Robert P. Lanza says, It is a deceptively simple-looking process. A needle jabs through the protective layer surrounding an egg. A research assistant sucks out the eggs nucleus, which contains the volume of a cells genetic material, leaving behind only a sac of gel called cytoplasm.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Creating Hyperlinks :: Computer Science

Creating HyperlinksTo insert the button I clicked on insert-interactive images-flashbutton when the options essay came up I entered information such as style, dry land color, button text, font, link, target screen and past nameof the button. I then clicked OK.Creating HyperlinksTo link between pages I needed to create hyperlinks, to do this Ifirst wrote the text that I wished the hyperlink to display I thenhighlighted it and entered the link into the box that appearedI then pressed enterEntering textTo enter the text on my site I simply clicked where I wanted it to goand typed it in, I withal changed the properties of the text i.e.alignment, color, size, bold, format, etc by highlighting the text andusing the toolbar.AccuracyTo check the accuracy of my work, e.g. completely of my links worked and thatthere were no spelling errors in the pages I got my friend to readthrough the page for spelling errors and dead links.Here is a spelling error that was found.and here is the correcti onBack-up savingTo ensure that I dint lose any work if the computer crashed Iregularly salvage my work, I did this by clicking on the file menu andthen save all frames or save button depending on which file page Iwas working on. I have provided screenshots below of the buttons Iused.I also saved it onto a cd incase the computer was damaged and the workwas lost.Spelling and grammar checkingTo make sure that there were no spelling or grammatical errors on mysite I copied the text into word and spell checked it.Changing the HTML codeThis is the HTML coding for the above table href=hardFrameset.htmHardware href=sofinFrameset.htmSoftware href=laptopFrameset.htmLaptops Computer Systems I will demonstrate how changing the HTML coding can affect the look ofa webpage. For example if I change the value of the table backgroundcolor (highlighted above) I can change the way the table looks. I havechanged the value from 000000 (black) to FFFFFF (white) this changesthe table background color h ref=hardFrameset.htmHardware href=sofinFrameset.htmSoftware href=laptopFrameset.htmLaptops Computer Systems This is what the table looked kindred after I had edited the htmlcoding.EvaluationPlanI followed the plan I do almost exactly as I made sure that the planwas accurate and would work so that I wouldnt need to think about thedesign of the site while I was making it thereof allowing me toconcentrate on making the site.ProblemsI only had one problem really and that was that some of the flash